
We’re pinning in preschool! No, we’re not using Pinterest. Clothespins! As I’d mentioned in the previous blog, there is a real concern that children’s hand strength is not what it was in previous years. After all, iPads, nooks, and computer don’t require a whole lot of dexterity and strength.

I had been planning on providing opportunities for scissor work, but I realized that I need to make sure that the children can use clothespins comfortably and competently. (Same muscle movement, helps with hand control!) But how do I get them to use them? One way… but putting them EVERYWHERE in the room!

Here are some at the kitchen table, with the hot chocolate supplies!

We're using clothespins to sign in in the morning!


A toboggan with clothespins and popsicle sticks, waiting for children to arrive!

among the toys.....

near the dress up clothes....

Clothespins and dot markers?

So what happened during the day?

Clothespins got painted!

...and used as a tool.

"Marshmallows" were plucked!

They were tried on different surfaces.

"Fire hands" pinned, too!

Pinning a mitten to a line can require THREE hands!

One was used as a firehose!