A Look Back at Our Year: The Firefighters Visit!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I think is one of the most important thing we do every year! Imagine a child in a dark, smoky room. A person looking and sounding like Darth Vader stretches out his/her hand. What will s/he do?
Our wonderful Rocky Hill firefighters come every year to show us how they put on their gear, the highlights of their truck, and how to shoot water out of the hose!
A fire truck in our parking lot!
Piece by piece, the firefighter gets dressed.
Now the heavy helmet…
The mask so they can breathe..
High fives for the fully dressed firefighter!
The fire company is right near us! They can come to us, or we can walk through the fields to them!
Using the fire hose!
Look how far is goes!
Thank you once again, Rocky Hill firefighters! Thank you for all you do!