Parents and Teachers: Perfect Together!

Our playhouse in the classroom gets a LOT of use. Whether it’s a bear cave, post office, farm stand, house, rocket, or barn the “house” is occupied everyday. I can tell it was built to fit exactly between two sets of shelves. When my son started in 1995, it was a bright yellow. Years later, it was repainted with a Seuss-like feel. Our beloved house was starting to show signs of being over-loved, and needed a few touch ups. I could have painted it, or hired someone to paint it. Instead, I put out an invitation to parents. Would anyone LIKE to paint it?

One mom loved the opportunity!
Last Friday afternoon she came in armed with the red, blue and yellow paint we had in the basement, and brought white and black paint with her.

That evening, I received some amazing pictures.

The front is designed to be interactive! Children can draw and cut out pictures to add to the tree, aquarium (or desert or ocean) at the bottom, and the field and sky on the right!

Many parents didn’t realize that there was a slot on one side. When she spotted it, the mom was inspired to paint a happy mailbox!

(It also doubles as a ATM, as money spits out of the mouth!) Another parent, after seeing the photos I’d emailed, was also inspired!

Can you believe that? “Stamps” that match our mailbox!

These parents’ contributions have generated renewed interest in our writing center. Children are now motivated to mail letters and pictures to each other.

Walking to mail letters with a guinea pig, while Lady Bug girl works the cash register in the background.


I’ve worked in many different schools, and my sons attended “regular” preschools before we discovered RHCNS. I loved being a parent in a co-op. I loved knowing what was going on in the classroom, who my child was playing with, who the other parents were. I loved helping when I could. As a teacher, I LOVE parent input! I encourage participation and sharing their talents.

A parent in the classroom makes a huge difference. Sometimes a sad child needs an extra lap, others need quiet time for a story. Here are a just a few moments captured:

Parents come back early to play!

Parents give encouragement!

Parents can teach us about the sport they coach!

Parents come to family nights for fun!

Most importantly, parents know they can bring their child into the classroom, stay a few minutes, and have their child show them what’s important. Here, a dad is reading his daughter’s story.

A parent co-op. Parents, teachers, children… and a lot of love!