How We Use Our One Room School!

Yes, we have one room. One classroom, some closets in the hall, and a basement for storage.

I’ve posted many of our summer reorganization photos, now it’s time to show how it turned out!

Welcome to our room!

Our critter "bunk beds", fine motor and bird watching area!


Blocks, trucks and fire station.

Our multipurpose house, puppet theater, barn, spaceship, post office....

From the side: the mailbox/birdhouse on the "house," car and map rugs get stored behind!

Baby bed, supplies for home play!

Our Family Center

A place to read....

Our "art center" gets cleaned, moved about a foot, and becomes our third table for snack time!

Our new easel/art station

I love that the easel is on wheels! It can go anywhere quickly!

Our sensory table has a great removable top and is easily moved. The red wall is felt, and can be a flannel board or have our magnet board attached!

Here's where we meet as a group. The blue shelf on the left contains our musical instruments. On the back, our "jumping hoops."