Did Claude Monet come last night and leave his paintings to surprise us?
This question was posed by a very excited three-year-old who was looking at some pictures by Monet on our easel. I explained that no, he lived a long time ago, but I was able to get the paintings off the internet.
Why Monet for kids?
It’s amazing, what looking at paintings by Monet, Van Gogh and Seurat do to influence a preschooler’s paintings! They see works by famous people that might be a bit splotchy, blobby, or full of dots!
My main goals for this unit on Monet:
Monet was a painter.
Monet liked to paint flowers.
You can look at the same object and paint it differently.
One child, looking at three different paintings of the Houses of Parliment, said excitedly, “Look! The same, same, same! But this is daytime, this is foggy, and this is when the sun is getting sleepy!”