Curds and Whey? Curds and NO WAY!
Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet…
Typically once a month we feature a nursery rhyme. Today we introduced “Little Miss Muffet.” The children thoroughly enjoyed acting out the rhyme. One child sat on the tuffet, (which is a small stool) and another either pretended to be a spider, or used a pretend spider on a string to scare our Miss Muffet.
Eating her curds and whey…
What is curds and whey? We found out by adding vinegar to warm milk and stirring and stirring. The resulting clumps of milk and thin, greenish watery whey did not appeal to the children! One child remarked, “Curds and whey? More like curds and NO WAY!” We did have three brave children who were willing to taste the resulting cheese. (It wasn’t bad! A bit bland, but interesting!)
Along came a spider…
We read a book about spiders today. We learned that spiders have two body parts, eight eyes and eight legs! They use the hairs on their legs to taste and hear, and smell through small holes in their legs!
It was also GREEN day! We looked at our trees painted on our walls in the classroom. I asked the children if they looked like the ones outside. No, ours didn’t have leaves. Hmmm…. What can we do? “We can make leaves!” Great idea… but… we only have blue and yellow paint. Those leaves are going to look very strange! “We can MIX the paint! Blue and yellow make green!” (Earlier in the morning, we had out small bits of blue and yellow playdough for the children to blend, and blue and yellow paint at the easel.
We also sang, “The Itsy Bitsy Arachnid went up the water spout!”